Back to School Essentials, Naturally

Summer is winding down, days are getting shorter, and school is fast approaching. I can't believe its this time of year already! Whether your heading back to school yourself, or a parent sending your child off, packing for college can be overwhelming. You have to organize books, bedding, decorations, clothing, school supplies, and so on. There is so much you have to think about!

This year, as your writing your check lists, and packing your bags, consider adding the following essentials:

  • First Aid Kit - This little box has all the essential oils you will need while back at school. Whether you get a cut, scrape, burn, cold, or suffer from stess, anxiety, or lack of sleep, the oils in this kit can help!
  • Shower Bombs -There is nothing glamorous about the bathrooms in a college dorm, especially the communal ones. Our Shower Bombs are a simple thing you can take with you to spruce up your shower time at school. Eucalyptus is antiviral and great if you aren’t feeling well. Lavender is calming and can help with stress and sleep. Peppermint is great for headaches and can help you focus. Lemongrass picks up your spirits, making you feel happy and energized.
  • Sweet Stick - This is our multipurpose lip and skin balm. It’s great to keep on hand to heal up any cuts, sores, and burns. It’s also great on dry, cracked lips, and as a cuticle stick for strong healthy nails.
  • Hand Sanitizer - Our botanical Hand Sanitizer contains Tea Tree and Lemon essential oils, known to kill 99.9% of germs. Keep in your pocket or bag to help stay healthy while on the go.
  • Clay Mask - Late night parties, last-minute and all-night cramming for exams, and bad food choices can all wreak havoc on your skin. Our botanical Clay Masks are just what the skin needs when it tends to have breakouts or becomes oily. Each of our masks have different properties and benefits, but all of them help to draw out toxins and impurities from the skin, revealing a healthy looking glow. You can also use the masks as a spot treatment for stubborn breakouts.
  • Clear Skin - Our Clear Skin is a cleanser, treatment, and moisturizer all in one. Designed for all types of oily skin including acne and congested skins.
  • Facial Kit - The perfect kit for keeping young skin healthy. All the tools you need to manage your skin while away from home.
  • Aromatherapy Diffuser - If you're moving into a dorm, candles typically aren't allowed. Aromatherapy diffusers are a great alternative if you want to fill your room with a beautiful scent. Also, diffusing eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil into your room will help kill bacteria and keep you healthy during cold and flu season.
  • Aromatherapy Inhaler - Our essential oil inhalers are a handy pocket sized way to sharpen the brain, wake you up, clear congestion, or help you to sleep. There is an inhaler for just about every occasions! Breathe in peppermint oil while studying or before an exam to help you stay alert and focused.


We would love to help you put together all your back to school essentials as you prep for your return to campus life. Do not hesitate to reach out if we can help!