Natural Sunburn Remedies

Did you get a little too much sun this weekend? No problem! Below are some of my go to remedies for a pesky sunburn:

Suncare - I developed my janegee Suncare product to help soothe your skin after you’ve been soaking in the sun. It’s a blend of coconut oil, carrot seed oil, and raspberry seed oil. Suncare is designed to reduce inflammation, condition and hydrate your skin, and keep it healthy and glowing. It’s great used before and after sun exposure. Tip: Keep a bottle of Suncare in your fridge. It’ll feel so refreshing on your sun kissed skin.

Tomato - This is my #1 go to for sunburns! All you have to do is cut a tomato (organic if possible)  in half and rub it on your sunburn. The lycopene in the tomato will soothe the burn and promote healing. The next day you may still be a little red, but will have little to no pain and your skin will heal quickly.

Apple Cider Vinegar - Apple cider vinegar works great at balancing the pH of your skin and allow it to heal faster. I recommend filling a spray bottle with water and adding 1-2 capfuls of vinegar. Spray the solution on your burn to soothe and help it heal.

Black Tea - Black tea contains tannic acid and theobromine which help remove heat from a sunburn. It also has catechins which help prevent and repair skin damage. Steep the tea in a pitcher then use a rag to apply it to your skin. You could also try adding the tea bags to a warm bath.

Stay Hydrated

  • Add a janegee Floral Water to your daily routine to add moisture to your skin. Our Floral Waters are made with 100% pure hydrosols which are filled with skin loving nutrients, so you can feel confident that you’re doing the right thing for your skin.
  • Drink coconut water. Not only is it extremely refreshing, but it is also great for hydrating the body and aiding in overall kidney health.
  • Add a pinch of sea salt to your water. This will help your body assimilate it better and in turn stay more hydrated.

Don’t let a little sunburn keep you from getting outside. The sun is a life giving force that is responsible for over 1000 actions in the body. Our bodies welcome and love its warming presence. Just like plants and trees, we need the sun in order to grow healthy and strong. It fills our Vitamin D receptors with D3, it increases oxygen in the blood and tissues, it benefits our eye health, relaxes our nervous system, etc. There is so much to love about the sun! We would be lost without it.

Instead of being scared/ hiding from the sun, learn to embrace and respect it. Be sensible when you’re outside. Wear a hat, use an all natural sunscreen (we love Badger Balm and Raw Elements), and seek shade when the sun is at its strongest (between 10am and 2pm). As always, do not hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions on natural sun protection/ care, and keep an eye on the blog for a sun care Q&A with Jane coming later this month.